Revive • Renew • Rejuvenate


QUENCH IV Hydration & Wellness services can boost your natural energy levels, invigorate your body after a stressful week, hydrate you after that killer workout, help you overcome jet lag, brighten your skin, and even energize your body after a night out with friends. IV therapy quickly delivers hydration, electrolytes and nutrients directly to your bloodstream. Our IV drip therapy and B12 injections are provided in a relaxed, luxurious atmosphere by our clinical hydration specialists.


Revive (ri-vahyv): To return to life, consciousness, vigor, strength, or a flourishing condition.

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Renew (ri-noo, -nyoo): To become new. To begin again or restore.


Rejuvenate (ri-joo-vuh-neyt): To restore youthful vigor, appearance, etc. To make young again.


IV Hydration Infusion

Most people are unaware that our bodies only absorb a fragment of the nutrients we get from food, drinks, and vitamins that we ingest. Through intravenous (IV) therapy, we can replenish our lost fluids and absorb 100% of all the vitamins and minerals we take in a safe and healthy manner.


It’s a Lifestyle

Discover the premier services at Quench IV Hydration & Wellness and you’ll keep coming back for more. We offer professional IV therapy services to people who are conscious about their health and wellness. Our safe, high quality services help enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine. Quench is more than a spa, we’re a lifestyle.

Our Methods Make The Difference

Our state-of-the-art methods will help you be relieved from many health and wellness concerns, such as boosting your immune system, recovering from jet lag, getting an energy boost, weight loss, skin rejuvenation, and improving your athletic performance. Schedule an appointment today and become the ultimate you!


Holistic Healthy Living

With an emphasis on healthy living, we employ the latest therapies to our whole body approach. Our thoughtful care promotes health and wellness to revive, renew, and rejuvenate your life.